Combine the Ledger Nano S/X Technology To Secure Your RNT

2 min readDec 21, 2020


RNT or OneRoot Network is an ERC-20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain. RNT supports OneRoot Network’s goal of constructing an infrastructure that can be used to deploy blockchain-based solutions.

The following products have been developed by OneRoot Network, and are currently available:

  • The R1 protocol — a distributed and decentralized trading platform
  • DDEX — a distributed decentralized exchange that overlays on top of the R1 protocol
  • DCEX — a distributed centralized exchange that solves problems of poor liquidity
  • RNC OneRoot Network Chain — a token mapping and distribution mechanism to achieve cross-value transfer
  • Touch LightWallet — a user-friendly terminal multi-chain wallet

So, OneRoot Network offers a variety of products, including its own LightWallet. Although the idea is there, an immediate issue with this wallet is that many users who are not tech-savvy won’t be able to use it, as it is a terminal command-based wallet — so not that user-friendly. The next best alternative is to use a popular and highly rated wallet to secure RNT and any other RC-20 tokens you might happen to possess. Use the simple steps outlined below to learn how to use the Ledger Nano S/X wallet to safe-keep your cryptocurrency.

Before you begin: You will need to have the Ledger Nano X/S hardware wallet, and the Ledger Live app installed on your computer or mobile device.

Before you begin: Make sure your Ledger Live application is up to date:

Note: to secure any ERC-20 tokens you first need to have the Ethereum app installed on your Ledger Nano X/S. This is because all ERC-20 tokens are based on the Ethereum network. Once Ethereum is installed you can then add any ERC-20 tokens, including RNT to your account and manage your funds from there.

